Saturday, June 19, 2010

Spooky Little Girl By Lauren Notaro

Lucy Fisher is a woman with many problems. After arriving home from her Hawiian vacation with her best friends, she finds that her boyfriend has tossed everything she owns onto her front yard. He changed the locks and disconnected any relationship with her. Lucy then looses her job because of false accusations made against her by a woman she doesn't even like. Lucy's biggest problem however is that she is dead. After a fatal accident with public transportation, Lucy finds herself in a world she doesn't want to be in. She must go through Spooking school in order to make it to the other side. Little does she know that her spooking assignment is one that takes her back to where she began.

Spooky Little Girl had both its good aspects and its bad. The book started off very slowly. When reading it, it felt as though I was never going to get to the point of the book. This however changed after Lucy died. You are taken on an adventure into a world no one would have ever had thought to look. I absolutely loved Lucy's character, my heart truly went out to her. When all of the pieces finally fit together, everything made sense. I as a reader had an "ah-ha" moment. The journey Lucy takes to acceptance is one that everyone should follow. Anyone who loves comedy mixed with a little sadness and romance should read this book.

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